About the pathological analysis department

About the pathological analysis department

The Department of Pathological Analysis is one of the departments of the College of Science at the University of Basra. The department was established in 2018-2019. The curriculum offered by the department qualifies the student to be a technician in the field of medical laboratories in the future, by providing professional assistance to the laboratory doctor in the field of pathology, hematology, biochemistry, serology and microbiology..

Department vision:

The Department of Pathological Analysis seeks to carry the banner of education and scientific research on modern and advanced foundations that keep pace with rapid technological progress, discoveries and inventions in various disciplines that form the backbone of the department. In addition to following the methodology of scientific and educational research for the teaching staff in order to raise generations with a high level of awareness. Efficiency to assume responsibility and actively contribute for building our dear country and raising its status among nations. The department’s vision also pulsates in spreading a spirit of optimism and hope for a prosperous future for students, faculty, and department workers, scientifically, technically, and administratively, and even at the human level, through strengthening the bonds of love and peace among its affiliates.

So the department's strategic vision is to have an integrated pillar in infrastructure, human energies, and modern economic and technical resources. It is a source of attracting science students and radiating scientific and human output. Especially since the pathological analysis department must integrate its specialties, which are microbiology, biochemistry, pathology, hematology and genetics.

Department Mission:

The department adopts honesty, sincerity and sobriety as a mission and a work approach in preparing specialized human energies to enter its confidence in the labor market and contribute in a scientific and practical way to building society and pushing it forward by engaging in various state institutions, especially medical, because of their impact on human health and safety. In order for the department’s message to be integrated, it must include emphasizing the conduct of solid scientific studies and research, especially the applied ones directed at serving the community and the country. The department’s message encapsulates the human dimension by instilling the principles of medical ethics in the department’s graduates when they practice the profession. Thus, the department’s message is a scientific, national, economic and humanity.


Objectives of the department:

As long as the ambition exists and the aspiration for the future exists, the ceiling of goals will be renewed with the developments of matters, activity and hard work, whether among the department’s employees or through support and overcoming difficulties from the departments in the college and university... Among the department’s strategic objectives:

1- Preparing human energies that help in the development and progress of society.

2- Granting bachelor’s degrees in the specialization of pathological analysis, the main nerve in the medical group.

3- Creating postgraduate studies in various medical specialties.

4- Develop the research skills of the students of the department by following the methodology of scientific research, keeping pace with technical development and dropping all that is new and innovative on the ground.

5-Encouraging and supporting the teaching staff on creativity and innovation through the publication of applied and academic research in international research journals with a high impact factor.

6- The pathological analysis department should have a fixed goal for a scientific and practical radiation source for state and community institutions through holding conferences, training courses, introductory seminars, and other activities that raise the level of the department and the college and are reflected in the positive evaluation of the university.

7- Building a scientific and administrative system in the department on firm foundations that grow and develop with expansion and the needs of the university and society.

8- Introducing modern technology in education and department management.

9- So that the scientific and cultural exchange with international universities is one of the department's strategic goals through research fellowships, scholarships and training courses.

10- Establishing an integrated data unit on the basis of comprehensive quality standards in education, under the supervision of qualified specialists from among the department’s employees.